LAM Testimony: “I can finally see my wife the way God sees her…”

LAM Testimony: “I can finally see my wife the way God sees her…”

“My wife and I have been married for 5 years. We’ve both had traumatic childhoods and struggled to be good parents and to have happiness, intimacy and connection with each other. We both have done things that hurt each other deeply and it seemed hopeless to be able to communicate and have the blessi

LAM Testimony: We have been given tools that actually work!

LAM Testimony: We have been given tools that actually work!

“Through LAM 1 and 2, my husband and I have been able to use these tools to have mutual language that makes sense, and that actually works to resolve issues. We have also both received a lot of breakthrough through using these tools like the 1-2-3 skidoo, the forgiveness tool, for things that we oth

SLW Testimony: Fear and Shame gone!

SLW Testimony: Fear and Shame gone!

“For as long as I can remember I have prayed and dreamed for a healthy, fun, vibrant marriage for my future. I enrolled in Single Life Workshop because I had heard about the tools that were taught, which I thought would be of great use in preparation for this. I was carrying fear and shame when I st

LAM Testimony: “We came expectant but weary…”

LAM Testimony: “We came expectant but weary…”

“We came expectant but weary. A 23-year-old 2nd marriage we are committed to but had a tough year of change and struggle. We wanted sexual breakthrough. We wanted depth and more closeness. More oneness. First, we both chose to be more vulnerable as they spoke of Nothing Hidden. This led to my husban

SLW Testimony: “I was reluctant to come to this workshop…”

SLW Testimony: “I was reluctant to come to this workshop…”

“I was reluctant to come to this workshop and if I “needed it” or not but the leaders let the Holy Spirit lead EVERYTHING and from the first few minutes of the weekend-HE was there setting me free from a desire to close back up after yet another failed relationship. God reached his hand down and pul

LAM Testimony: “My wife was going to file for divorce…”

LAM Testimony: “My wife was going to file for divorce…”

“Just shortly before LAM, my wife had decided she was going to file for a divorce. This was due to a combination of several events. We had tried to resolve these over a year, but this became recurrent. We had lived separately due to our career for about half of our 16 years of marriage. Two days bef

SLW Testimony: There has been incredible breakthrough & joy!

SLW Testimony: There has been incredible breakthrough & joy!

The last thing I wanted was to be at a “single life” workshop at the beginning of 2024 when I felt the Lord had promised me a relationship by the holidays of 2023. So, I refused to sign up each time my LAM alum friends suggested it. But God kept bringing it up even when my friends relented. I then s

SLW Testimony: “After the first day I was hooked…”

SLW Testimony: “After the first day I was hooked…”

“I was a little skeptical at first and I really didn’t want to attend the workshop. After the first day I was hooked and convinced that I was exactly where God wanted me to be at this point in my life. I’m forever grateful for the investment of time, energy, and love that this family has put into t

LAM Testimony: “This workshop helped us to rely on God again”

LAM Testimony: “This workshop helped us to rely on God again”

I was definitely scared and nervous to come to LAM. On day one before I even walked through the doors, I heard something discouraging in my mind saying, “You take risks and chances in things that don’t matter but you won’t take those same risks and chances where it matters most. You are wasting time

LAM Testimony: We had tried everything…

LAM Testimony: We had tried everything…

We have been married for 27 years and have taken numerous marriage classes, retreats, counseling sessions etc. We even counsel young couples ourselves but we have never experienced the tools and personal intimate group camaraderie that we got with LAM. The concept of asking Holy Spirit to guide ev

LAM Testimony: “I held onto a secret for 23 years”

LAM Testimony: “I held onto a secret for 23 years”

“I Came to LAM with something that I had not shared with my spouse for 23 years. I was able to share that secret, finally becoming free of 23 years of condemnation, guilt, shame and was able to receive forgiveness! This workshop tore down the walls that were caused by this secret!”-A LAM Husband

LAM Testimony: “A lot was exposed and dealt with”

LAM Testimony: “A lot was exposed and dealt with”

I needed to accept responsibility, repent, be courageous in opening up about my infidelity and be open to receive what the LAM workshop had. The workshop offered the ability to speak openly and honestly with our small group, take real life major issues and challenges and perform the exercises to hel

LAM Testimony: “There was healing and breakthrough!”

LAM Testimony: “There was healing and breakthrough!”

When we arrived at LAM, we had been battling my ability to move past the shame and guilt of all I had put my wife through. Pornography, infidelity, lack of trust, security, these were all playing a big factor in our ability to truly connect. During our spirit connect session God really broke major c

LAM Testimony: “Freedom from pain of betrayal”

LAM Testimony: “Freedom from pain of betrayal”

“I came hoping to find freedom from the pain of betrayal by my dad as a child and later, betrayal by my husband. I am free. And not only from the sins done to me, but from my own sin that I wasn’t even aware of. I thought I was an innocent bystander, but I realized this week that I had made agreemen