Husbands: 4 times per week, for 20 minutes each day, initiate a time to meet and talk with your wife.

Here are some questions that you can start with and then be sure to listen well and respond with interest and understanding:

  • How was your day?
  • How are you doing emotionally?
  • How are you doing spiritually?
  • What is one good thing that happened today?
  • Was there anything difficult that happened today?
  • Did you make a significant connection with anyone today?
  • What ways did you think about, feel or connect with God today?
  • If you could plan the perfect date for us considering our resources and time commitments, what would it look like?

Your wife really wants to know what's inside of you, so share with her as well:

  • What are some things you’re really excited about in your life right now that you simply haven’t shared with her?
  • What are some hard things you’re going through?
  • Share how you see yourself doing emotionally.
  • Share how you feel you are doing spiritually.
  • What are some things you’d like God to do for her, for you, for your kids, for your marriage?
  • Tell her something that you would really like to do with her on a date.
  • Tell her things about your day that you think she would enjoy hearing.

Wives: 2 times per week, pursue your husband sexually.

Here are some suggestions:

  • Initiate having sex.
  • Make him feel wanted and desired.
  • Create a romantic atmosphere with candles or lighting.
  • Early in the day, begin preparing yourself mentally and emotionally to give your body as a gift to your husband that night.
  • Wear something fun that your husband would like.
  • Ask Holy Spirit to help you be creative.