(TOGETHER) My dear (spouse’s name), as I stand before God and these witnesses, I recommit myself to fulfill my marriage vows to you.
I promise to devote myself to knowing, understanding and loving you more.
I purpose to pursue knowing God’s love and affection for me,
walking obediently with Him, and loving Him above anything or anyone else; so that I can become the person that God desires me to be for you.

(MEN) I purpose anew to cherish and love you and lay down my
life for you as Christ laid down His life for the church.
I commit myself to join with the Holy Spirit on your behalf to encourage you into a place of maturity and wholeness in Christ; that will allow us to walk in the destiny God has planned for us.

(WOMEN) I purpose anew to respect and honor you as the protector and covering that God has called you to be over this home.
I commit myself to join with the Holy Spirit to affirm, support, love and encourage you towards your Godly role as the spiritual head of our home.

(TOGETHER) I choose to make you and our marriage relationship
a priority over any other human relationship.
I promise to continue to move towards living with you in a truthful, honest
and vulnerable way, withholding nothing of significance, concealing nothing
of importance.

I will honor you by taking the initiative to share things with you about my
life and about us that would be important to you, to God and the well-being of our family.

I commit to not settling but consistently going farther, deeper and higher in our relationship with one another so that my heart will be fully turned towards you, so that the world will see Jesus’ love in us and in our family.