SLW Testimony: “I am free and free indeed”

Written on 08/18/2023
Nothing Hidden

I’m not really sure what I wanted, all I know is that I was just in need and wanted Jesus to infiltrate my life more – especially in this area. The things I shared in this workshop – and gained freedom from – were things that I stuffed down, said weren’t important/didn’t have an impact on me, and things that I would take to my grave. LET ME TELL YOU, I am free and free indeed. His kindness has made, what would be hard work in my own strength, feel so easy and so light. God placed me in a “family” that had no condemnation which totally freed me from the idea of my mess being too scary and very dirty to share. His yolk is truly easy, and His burden is truly light. I was able to identify lies from the enemy that were disguised under layers and layers of stuffing and blindness. Thank you SLW for allowing grace to crash in and giving me the tools to take over my authority that the enemy had in my life concerning my relationship journey!

-A SLW Participant