LAM Testimony: “We’ve gone deeper than we ever have before…”

Written on 10/20/2024
Nothing Hidden

Coming into LAM I didn’t know exactly how this workshop was going to be able to help our marriage but after the first day I had already felt an inner healing in myself. When I had first heard about how God chose our small-groups I was very confused but after the first few discussions, I instantly realized how much we truly had in common. As the days went by it was the Holy Spirit who had been revealing things in me that I didn’t even know was a soul-tie coming in between my marriage! It was also very interesting to me to know that other marriages were also struggling with similar things that my husband and I were struggling with. When it came to Barry and Lori speaking about how couples really liked the intimacy challenge, I couldn’t help but think that it all sounded really nice, but I was sure that it wouldn’t happen to me. My husband knew that there were some barriers since we were staying in a hotel and said that he completely understood if I wasn’t ready and could do the challenge at home. I said to him, let’s just pray and ask the Holy Spirit to guide us. And sure enough the Holy Spirit was very present and it was remarkable!

-LAM Wife

Before coming to this workshop my Wife and I felt as if we stood in a good place in our marriage but knew things could be better letting God into our marriage. I was a little on the defense side of what this workshop could potentially do for our marriage that we weren’t already doing. A couple in our community group insisted that LAM had done miracles in their marriage that words couldn’t describe what it did, so they signed us up and sent us to this workshop that I thank God and that couple for doing for us. These 5 days have been life-changing and a blessing in our marriage connecting us on a deeper level than ever! We came here giving it our all and that is honestly what we got, “it all”! We were able to forgive, heal, and love in a way only God could do for us. It’s taught us tools that have enhanced our marriage which we couldn’t accomplish on our own in our 14 years of marriage. We plan on attending more workshops and sharing what LAM did for our lives and will continue to do with the glory of God!

-LAM Husband