LAM Testimony: “There was healing and breakthrough!”

Written on 10/21/2023
Nothing Hidden

When we arrived at LAM, we had been battling my ability to move past the shame and guilt of all I had put my wife through. Pornography, infidelity, lack of trust, security, these were all playing a big factor in our ability to truly connect. During our spirit connect session God really broke major chains off of me dealing with the shame of being molested at a young age, and even brought about an inability to lead and lean on my wife to lead. I was scared and ashamed and hid myself like a little boy. In fact, I would say I was stuck as a 13-year-old and couldn’t grow up into the man God had called me to be. I feel whole, and at peace now in my life. I feel connected to my wife in a way I never have before. I discovered that having true courage isn’t hiding but standing up while facing my issues head on and getting help for what I am too weak in or not able to overcome on my own. I don’t know how to explain it except I feel like I have finally awoken and I’m ready to stand in the calling of God for me as a man, as a husband and as a father.

-A LAM Husband

We both agreed to come after friends of ours suggested it. There were obstacles but we came regardless, there was healing and breakthrough. We’ve learned so much and now we have tools to use in our marriage to not let the enemy take control or give him an inch. So thankful for this ministry! I truly feel connected to my husband and feel like we are in a much better place than when we first walked in. Learning to hear God and giving him room in every situation is going to change our marriage in the best way possible. Since our spirit connection I have felt more connected with my husband and feel “clean” (that’s the best I can explain) and like we have a new marriage!

-A LAM Wife