LAM Testimony: “We had been separated for two months”

Written on 09/01/2023
Nothing Hidden

We came into the Love After Marriage workshop hanging by a thread. We had been separated for 2 months and divorce was around the corner. We were asked by God to take this leap of faith and go to the 5 day workshop. We had many things against us with infidelity and abuse. Through the tools given at the workshop, the Lord started to unravel the true core of the issues. We dove into the pain of trauma that caused major wounds in each of us individually and how we had brought that into our marriage. The Lord began to heal the wounds and remove the lies that the enemy had spoken. Then, after a really dark day, breakthrough came. We are hopeful again and have found the love and appreciation for each other that we had lost. We truly know deep inside our hearts that the Lord has restored our marriage. We praise The Lord for using Barry and Lori to accomplish this work that seemed impossible. God is truly in the business of doing the impossible and in this case, He used this ministry to do that.

-LAM Participants