“Coming into the [Love After Marriage] workshop, we had been struggling for a year with communication.  We had been married for twenty-six years but still had many moments that we just got real angry with each other. Even the week before we came we had a huge fight, and I wondered if we should even attend.  But I decided we needed to still try this.  On the first day, they began speaking about nothing hidden; I knew this week I needed to make a choice into telling my wife something I was told to take to the grave.

On the second day, we were supposed to do something called 1-2-3 Skiddoo.  It was at this time that the Holy Spirit broke in and asked me, ‘Do you trust Me enough?’  I fought this in front of the group for about five minutes.  My wife put her arms around me and said she was for me in anything I said.  It was at that time that I told her of my unfaithfulness early in our marriage.  She said she forgave me and it was not important to her.

This one open release to expose a hidden secret began a connection with us that we have not had in years.  God has fully restored us and has now allowed me to hear and listen to the truth of Who He says we are.  I am forever grateful for Barry and Lori to just allow an avenue for the Holy Spirit to move in our lives.” – LAM Husband

“I came to [Love After Marriage] with the goal to find out why my husband and I couldn’t understand each other which was resulting in a lack of connectedness in all areas of our lives, leading to a lack of belief in our marriage.  After LAM, the truth we shared and the trust we now have that each of us wants the best for the other is changing our hearts for each other.  The tools we are taking with us will help us be proactive in changing our path from a dead end of not knowing how to hear each other or resolve our conflicts to one of a roadway to cooperating with the Holy Spirit in reaching all of what God has for us together as a couple.” – LAM Wife