“[Coming to Love After Marriage], I was closed off, broken, unable and unwilling to unpack.  I had already put my wife through so much and had broken her.  Our relationship was okay – well, it was hanging on by one thread.  Then I invited the Holy Spirit in.  We were cleaning our closet on day one.  Boy was I glad I could stay surface.  But as the Holy Spirit worked with me, I began to open up.  The tools allowed for me to share things I have kept secret for over twenty years.  And could you believe it?  Holy Spirit was working in my wife, too.  She accepted me for my faults, and instead of pulling us further apart, we began to become connected, intertwined together as a chord of three – myself, my wife and Holy Spirit.  Night three, we had sex, and it was good.  Night four, after truly opening up and sharing, we made love, and it was fantastic.  Even with the Holy Spirit in the room.  Thank you for not restoring but introducing me to my beautiful bride and a love that I never knew existed – a love I now feel from the Holy Spirit and my wife!” – LAM Husband

“Day Four!  Long story short.  My father molested me for eight years as a child.  My mother had made fun of my body during my adolescent years.  I was quite insecure about every part of myself.  Prior to the [Love After Marriage] workshop, I have done a lot of healing.  However, my marriage was greatly affected when it came to sex; I saw sex as an obligation or chore.  I did not enjoy it, and when I did I felt guilt or dirty, shame.  I was at the point of healing prior to LAM where I was no longer crying after sex, but I didn’t like it.  Sometimes I would get angry at my husband because he wanted to have sex.  I would get changed in the closet or tell him not to look at me.  I would always have no more light than the tv on.  We put our plan together for night four [of the workshop].  We had some reconciliation and 1-2-3 Skidoos to do.  Holy Spirit showed me we were to place each other in the tub and wash each other.  We did that after repenting and rededicating our bodies to God and each other.  Oh, I forgot the vision I had after I 1-2-3 Skidoo’s – it was me as a bride, and I was gorgeous!  I thought I was gorgeous.  So my husband and I laid with each other, and after a while, we began to make love.  It was like nothing I have ever experienced!!  I had such a freedom, and I was actually open with my body.  I wanted him to enjoy my breasts that I had kept from him for ten years.  I was enjoying that he was enjoying me.  I was about to have an orgasm, and God flashes the vision of me as a bride.  I had always told my daughter (a teenager) that I wished my husband was my first.  God said this was my first time, that this was the first time I gave myself to anyone.  And this was my wedding night that He had planned for me.  This was His plan all the time.  God is so wonderful.  This was so glorious.” – LAM Wife