“At first I felt disappointment about no worship and not sure if I’ll learn since I already attended a lot of single workshops/classes before.  But I was surprised by how well the Holy Spirit worked in this [Single Life Workshop] and how vulnerable I could be and how powerful it was to be opened up.  (I’m always willing to be open in small groups, but I’ve shared some things I’ve never had the chances to share before!). I just can’t express how much freedom I felt after I shared those ‘secrets.’

And the exercise about blessing each of our body parts is very powerful!  I never see the way I should see my body parts, and yesterday I blessed each part of my body from head to toe.  For the first time I felt ‘I’m so pretty,’ especially the parts I didn’t like before.  I felt so blessed and released and could have the confidence of feeling pretty myself!  After the exercise, I felt so happy and light.  I danced around my bed and celebrated truly being myself.” – SLW Participant