“I came [to Love After Marriage] with a secret that was eating a hold inside me that I knew I needed to let out.  I had no idea how it would be received, but once I was here, not only did I reveal it, but I discovered the reason behind it.  Exposing it in the Holy Spirit’s Presence was the best thing ever.  My wife responded by loving me ‘more’ not less, and I can breathe freely again.  Trust can and has been restored for us and a better, more solid and vibrant/exciting re-connection has been established going forward.  New ways of discovery, new plans for the future, deeper, more intimate physical love…that’s what LAM has done for me/us!” – LAM Husband

“I came [to Love After Marriage] wanting God to expose any areas in me and/or my husband, in our marriage, that were holding us captive, things we probably weren’t even aware of.  We both made ourselves open to being vulnerable to Holy Spirit bringing up anything He wanted.  I actually, at the advice of a counselor before I ever met my husband, had never shared my entire past/sexual history with my husband during our nineteen years of marriage.  But the Sunday night before our first morning [of LAM], we sat in the jacuzzi for several hours and prayed and confessed to each other every single hidden secret we had kept hidden from each other for nineteen years.  Holy Spirit was so precious and gentle with us.  We cried.  We prayed for each other.  We repented and invited God to speak Truth to us.  That was all the night before day one of LAM!  And it only got better.  Holy Spirit throughout the week showed me some ways I had been trying to control my husband and how it was affecting us and him and my step-daughters.  God just mercifully, gently, every day kept exposing and unraveling things that were twisted and just bringing Truth.  He also very clearly spoke to us about our destiny and calling, and we are so excited.  Also, God so lovingly met my husband.  One of the biggest things I’m so thankful for is that He revealed a spirit of passivity and self-reliance and where that came from.  For the first time in nineteen years, I feel like I can quite striving and leading, and I can chillax and rest and let my strong husband lead.  It’s such a relief.  He is a natural born leader but had bought into his own lie that it was just easier to be passive.  My heart is full!!!” – LAM Wife