“Prior to starting LAM, I was not sure if my wife and I would remain married.  I agreed to attend LAM but did not expect anything to change.  LAM was immediately difficult and dove into the deep issues between us.  Just after the first day I was attacked by thoughts of doubt, hostility, anger and unforgiveness.  I fought through and began getting breakthrough.  My wife and I came together and saw the deep love God had always designed for us to have.  The things we struggled with continuously for ten years disappeared.  I could start to see my wife as my soft place, someone I could trust and confide in.  By the end of LAM, my wife and I had brought the Holy Spirit into our relationship, forgiven each other and found a new and beautiful love for one another.  I am certain if we adhere to the lessons learned at LAM we will have gone from the worst marriage to the example of God’s desire for marriage.  I would with all certainty suggest this course as mandatory for all married couples!  Thank you!”

-LAM Husband

“My husband and I came to LAM desperately seeking breakthrough in trust and intimacy in our marriage.  About a year prior, I had an affair, and the Lord has been beautifully restoring our relationship; however, there were some really deep-rooted issues causing us to continually put up and slam into walls in the areas of trust and intimacy.  Going through the LAM workshop was absolutely life changing.  It allowed us to go deep and break all ties with demonic powers that had held us captive.  Also we learned how crucial it is to invite the Holy Spirit into every part of our marriage.  I believe that was the very key in finding the power of our intimacy and regaining trust.”

-LAM Wife